Remember that old song about War....What is it good for?
Well...since Jennie had a wisdom tooth pulled today, I am thinking the same thing. Wisdom teeth....What are they good for?
She came through like a trouper. I was thinking about her at almost the exact moment she got to the office. We were in a school assembly at that time. As a parent you hate for your kids to have to go through moments like that in their lives. I got off the bus about a mile from the oral surgery office, so went directly there instead of home and she was still in recovery. I felt a huge sigh of relief seeing her with Mom and knowing the surgery was done and she was awake from the anesthesia. Went to Mom's and ate supper with them. She was getting picked up by Tom. I was glad to know that she would be in capable hands tonight. I am planning to go to the lake with her tomorrow and helping her to spend a quiet and restful weekend at the cabin, reading and watching movies, etc. And eating soft foods, of course!
The tooth that was extracted was coming in sideways, scraping the tooth next to it, and was causing her pain. I had expected that she was getting all four removed, but they decided that because she was almost 27, the top ones were still pretty far up and probably wouldn't descend any more. The decision was made to just pull one tooth. At $650 for one, I think Jennie was glad. She said she couldn't imagine having four done at once, affecting all corners of her mouth. She was pretty swollen, but kept applying ice. After going through all the braces stuff and surgery for an eyetooth that broke through her upper gum when she was younger, I think she was ready to endure this.
All I can say is.......yglck......Wisdom teeth.....What are they good for!?
I can tell you after having 3 removed, and another tooth pulled at the same time, that they are good for nothing!